Let Them Eat Cake

“There is a way out.
You don’t have to suffer alone.
There are people out there who want to love you, who would be honored to bear witness to your pain.
Healing doesn’t happen in a vacuum.
We are human and we have an inherent need to see and be seen, to touch and be touched.
No one heals heartbreak alone.”

–I did not write or own these words.  I was doing some reading on CNN a few days ago and jotted them down, forgot to notate the author.  I needed to read this. 

I’m so quick to isolate myslef when I am feeling down, but it only perpetuates the pain.  So if you are feeling blue take care of you, but get out there and be social too!

….And eat cake.  Cake makes almost everything better.  In Case CAKE of Emergencies Only!

Blueberry Chocolate Cheesecake Amazingness:


Doesn’t it make you feel better just looking at it?  Cake. Cake. CAKE.

Smile today, K!



They rolled down.
Viscous and round.
My tears fell in my coffee.


In the cold,
they were bold,
and warm,
against my face.


I gripped the cup,
Raised my chin up.
Like it would keep me
From crying.


My drip was stained,
but I could not complain
about the tear drops
in my coffee.


They fall.


How could vapid,
Taste so beautiful?

by Shayla Lane




Own it.
Take control of it.
Live it.
Breathe it.

Shed blood,
Sweat, and
Tears for it.

Every day and
Every night
Lose sleep over it.

When each bit of your body
Screams for it,
You relish in it
And can’t let go of it.

So you fight for it.
Would die for it.
Sacrifice your life for it.

When the world quiets down
And no one else is around
The sound of it,
Still reverberates
From the very pit of it.

Penetrates your soul
And you realize that,
This as a whole
Has been the only thing
Holding you up.

So, how could you give it up?

-By Shayla Lane

Almost there!

I missed posting on Sober Day #60, so here’s to day #65! Twenty-five more days to go.
I’m still not sure if I will even drink after Day #90. Although, I have been considering doing some other type of 90 challenge. Maybe, 90 days of fitness? Or 90 days absolute clean eating? I feel like if I’m not giving up something, then it is not really a challenge. If I do another 90 day challenge I will have dedicated half of the year to investing in reaching my full potential. Looking foward to shattering more goals!

GP Wednesday

Hey, Welcome to Guilty Pleasure Wednesday!!! What better way to celebrate Humpday than to share the little things that get me through the week?

First up: GRUMPY CAT

She says things that would never come out of my mouth but, it’s hilarious anyway. By the middle of the workweek, we have all been able to relate to Grumpy Cat at one time or another.

-Enjoy!  I do not own any of theses images, but you can follow Grumpy Cat on Instagram and Facebook. 


What about the “Fourth Kind”?


But, I love coffee.


I mean, we do spend at least forty hours a week together. I think we should see other people.


Ctrl, Alt, Delete. Ctrl, Alt, Delete.


Yeah, don’t tell me what to do!


Do you even lift?

P.S.  I did caption each photo.

 Happy Humpday!  What is your favorite Guilty Pleasure?

Spring BREAK


This Spring I am breaking DEMOLISHING bad habits!

Today March 6, 2013 I am 30 days Sober!

I would never consider myself and alcoholic but, I would say the drinking has prevented me from reaching my full potential. My “Pro vs. Con” list for consuming adult beverages definitely was unbalanced. The “Con” side of the list was probably 10 times larger.

Drinking takes time, money, and energy that I do not have! So for now, I have given it up. My goal is to reach at least 90 days, which will be May 5th. That will get me through this semester of school and allow me enough time to decide whether alcohol is something I want to give up forever.

I am more excited than I thought I would be. I feel like I overcame something. I told my body and peer pressure who is boss! I am mostly a social drinker but I have realized that I drink only drink when I am bored, lonely, and uncomfortable. So drinking was just a coping mechanism.

Anywoo I have been sleeping better and feeling less anxious day to day so maybe not consuming alcohol has something to do with that too. It has not been piece of cake though. Last Friday I actually got a little frustrated and cried because I just wanted to go “sit a bar” after my midterms. You and I both know you can not just go “SIT” at a “BAR”. Maybe you can. I can’t, at least not yet.

While not drinking I plan to increase my fitness level, decrease my waistline, increase my GPA, and… increase my self awareness.

What can I do I like to do on a Friday or Saturday night besides party? What kind of entertainment can I enjoy without a drink? Can I sit at the beach alllll day without drinking? What about being out on the boat? I’m so used to meeting people at bars, will I make any new friends? Will I lose friends?

I hope the the next 60 days brings some interesting revelations. Since I have more time on my hands I plan to share more 🙂

Thanks for stopping by




Fell flat on your face
and everyone saw.

They watch,
they talk,
they stare,
and their glare
is piercing.

From the crown of your head
to the sole of your feet
the heat
of humiliation rages,

and bleeding.
Every inch of you is screaming,
grasping for redemption.

They watch,
they talk,
they stare,
and their glare
is piercing.

Their words are made
of blades
and knives.
Even the lies
the tell,
still hurt.

From the sidelines
they gawk.
But you get up and walk,
because you are still in
this race.

Eyes steadily stinging, but
you continue down the path
that your tears have paved.


It does not hurt any less.
It probably never will,
but even still
You will cross the finish line.

They stare.

Their glare.

They watch.

You win.

By Shayla Lane

at bare minimum

These days it seems as if everyone has a million and one things to do and it all has to be done RIGHT NOW!  I am no exception to the Y2K superduperuber multitasking epidemic… it is contagious.  Between lack of sleep and daily obligations, and extracurricular activities I have personally felt the effect of being a wee bit over extended.  The first thing to go… my personal appearance.

I am totally guilty of “not having enough time” to put on my face,  straighten my hair,  or put on anything more restrictive than yoga pants.  But I have come to realize that being comfortable with having a lack luster appearance is a vicious cycle.  It may start off innocently enough but, I have a terrible fear of ending up on TLC’s What Not to Wear in ten years.

Don’t get me wrong, for most people it is nowhere near practical to look runway ready every single day.  What fun would it be to get all fancy if it became a chore?  So in lieu of looking like a total bum, when I am awake 20 hours a day for weeks at a time, I have 3 simple beauty must have’s to get me through the IAMTOOBUSY for anything rough patches.  This is not ground breaking research, but I just thought I would share!

1. Sunglasses are trans-seasonal

No time for make-up?  No problem!  Sunglasses are the perfect way to hide tired eyes without concealer.  Also, a great pair of sunglasses are on trend every season, every time.  Sunglasses are definitely one of the most versatile and timeless accessories available!

These Ralph Lauren’s are probably my all time fave’s but, I would lose my head if it was not attached.  So, for everyday use (and if you misplace things as much as I do) you can not go wrong with a pair of Foster Grant’s.  They are durable, under $20.00 (a great value!), and can be found at your local drug or grocery store.  Sweat pants, sun dress, workflow, whenever you are out and about, no matter what season, sunglasses are the way to go!

2. Mini Manicure

It is needless to say that having clean manicured nails is a must.  Although, not everyone has time/can afford to go to the salon on the regular.  This week I am wearing PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness.  Save second base!

Having your nails polished (even a clear coat) can elevate or pull together what ever your look may be.  If you were red carpet ready: it would complete your look, like having the perfect lipstick.  Or if you are running to class having a good paint job can say: “I have style and taste, but it is a down day!”  Your nails speak to people more than you think.  They are also a good clue to your current well-being.  So even if you are not feeling well… fake it ’til you make it!  Also, if you would like to be more adventurous with your nail art Sephora has some awesome sets.  I hope to review a few of them in later post.

3. Your lip-(gloss/stick) should be poppin.

Just like your nails, even a clear moisturizing coat is a must have for your lips.  If your beauty routine is tired (or non-existent) the last thing you need is dry, chapped lips!  Also, on the days when the only accessory you are rocking is sunglasses, having a pretty pout can really brighten up your look.  If your glasses and  your lips are fabulous it will elevate your super casual look.  My daily go to is the Burt’s Bees Natural Tinted Lip Balm.

This Burt’s Bees product is simple, inexpensive, and adds a natural looking hint of color to your lips.  I usually keep a few of these in easy to reach places in my purse, at work, and around the house.  If a little sheer tint is too much for you to handle, at bare minimum just protect your lips from drying out!  Use a moisturizing chapstick or balm with SPF daily to prevent dryness and cracking.  Pucker up!

Do you have bare minimum products?  What is your favorite “go to” item?  Please share and have a great week!

a little sideways

Dear readers,

I sincerely apologize for my absence!  I am trying to find more balance in my life and the blog has been lost in the shuffle.  School has intense this semester, work does not stop, I have been very involved in church, blah blah I need to do better!  I tend to have an extreme black and white perspective about life.  Such as: I can either only do THIS-OR-THAT.  Instead of being so boxed in, I do need to implement a BOTH/AND approach more often.  Anyway thank you for checking back often.  Sorry for being gone so long.  So can I quit groveling now, my knees hurt?  Thanks!

I am human…

Recently, a legally blind man asked me if I was black or white.  I was confused but, he explained that he could only see fuzzy shades of gray.  He thought I may be black from his hindered eyesight, but when he heard me speak it confused him.  I answered him politely.  Long story short he was just trying to get to know me better!  But it got me thinking about defining myself and doing it by the color or my skin was not an option.  Shapes instead of colors sounded like a much better idea.

Who am I?

I often have a hard time describing myself to people.  As I have mentioned before I am trying to define myself but, I am realizing I have not found many boxes that I fit into.  I am a walking contradiction.  I will dance to bachata in my living room then bust out in song singing Miranda Lambert.  Currently my most played songs on my iPod are between Kanye West and Christina Perri.  My Pandora is currently rotating Landon Pigg/Jesus Culture radio.  Although, all of the ads that play on my Pandora Radio are in Spanish (possibly because I have over played my Pitbull Station!).

Although I am a Florida girl, my family is from Alabama… I am definitely all Southern American (it really should be a nationality) which is not to be confused with South American.  I enjoy fancy smancy martinis, but this girl can appreciate her moonshine.  I heart college football but I can also appreciate more civilized productions such as the Theater.

Anyway, what I am realizing is there is so much life to enjoy I do not want to be so rigid and inflexible.  Why close yourself off to all the good things life has to offer?


I love that quote!  I am not a square, but if I had to be a shape:

The past few months I have been going through somewhat of a reformation.  I feel like I am stuck between a classy and fist pumping place.  Haha yes, it is that serious!  Recently I have felt a little out-of-place. Like I am the good girl of the bad girls, and the bad girl of the good girls.  I would not define either group of my friends as better than the other but, one is just more free, while the other is more refined.  I am sure this is just part of growing up right?  Why can’t I go to Hooters (just for the wings) and discuss my chemistry midterm in a nice cocktail dress with an Audrey-Hepburn-Updo?  And why can’t I talk about the UFC fight while having tea and cucumber sandwiches while picking out personalized stationary?  Early twenties problems!

With this semester flying by I have felt like a little bit of a square.  I try to be responsible and take care of business, but the more I work the more I feel like I am entitled to a little fun!  Although,  I am not so starved for a lack of responsibility that I do not have boundaries for myself.  I thrive when I have a full agenda.  I am aiming for an A+ semester so, I may be a little more stuffy than years past.  But, I am nobody’s grandmother.  Boxes are boring, but if my life had to be defined by one it would be a little sideways.  So therefore I have come to one conclusion:

Hi, my name is Shayla and I am a rhombus. 

Now, let’s have a toast to that!

What is your definition of who you are?  Do stereotypes bother the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of you?  Do share!

friday. viernes. vendredi. 金曜日.

So starting a blog the week before school starts…  I am already behind!  I was hoping to post three(ish) times a week, but my schedule has been a little hectic.  Fall is approaching so I am sure I will fall back into the swing of things soon.  For now:

HAPPY FRIDAY!   This Friday I will be headed to class right after work, but last Friday…

  I went to see Jason Mraz and Christina Perri in Concert!

081712 Jason Mraz in Orange Beach, AL

I fell in love with love songs again.  I cried.  I sang.  I discovered how much I ❤ Christina Perri!  I was blessed enough to have been given tickets and have a wonderful friend (Patrice) come along with me and offer to drive.

I had never been to the Wharf before, but it is actually an awesome venue.  Miranda Lambert will be there in October and I would L O V E to go.  Next summer if I am still in the area I will plan to make a few trips across the border to FloraBama.

I have had a hard time defining my taste in music (or anything else for that matter)  in the past.  More recently I have felt more comfortable in my own skin.  The past couple of months I have really been into Alternative music and Christian music that has the same sound.  It is comforting, relaxing, and it gets me through my day no matter what my mood is.  I grew up listening to a lot of Hip-Hop & R&B.  Discovering new music is something that I have found enjoyment in.  I listen to Pandora with a pencil and a piece of paper!

Please tell me I am not the only one?

I have also been more into classic standards sung by artist like Frank Sinatra.  I just love good music.  Timeless music.

Everyone has their guilty pleasures and iwubwubwub dubstep (we will talk about that at a later date lol), I can appreciate a good country song and I reallly have a thing for certain artisit(s) whose names we shall not speak of on this blog.  I mean c’mon we are just getting to know each other!  This is not my Little Dirty Secret Street.

This is The Pretty Lane.

Are there any artist you have been loving this summer?  Do you have any “oldies but goodies” you want to share?